Friday began the Nativity fast. It’d been a while since I did a day fast but I’m so glad I started because today at Mass Our Lord poured out many graces, especially those of clarity regarding some issues I’ve been having.
Amidst the beautiful hymns, antiphons, and readings, I was overwhelmed to receive such an unexpected gift. Then I noticed a beautiful verse as we sang “God We Praise You”,
“True apostles, faithful prophets,
saints who set their world ablaze,”
The Society brothers are called to passionately love God, live a radical life to become saints and set the world ablaze. Little did I know this hymn was actually based on the Te Deum, the Church’s great hymn of praise. St. Augustine described how the beauty of the Sacred Liturgy affected him in his Confessions:
“How greatly did I weep in Your hymns and canticles, deeply moved by the voices of Your sweet-speaking Church! The voices flowed into mine ears, and the truth was poured forth into my heart, whence the agitation of my piety overflowed, and my tears ran over, and blessed was I therein.”
As if the Lord doesn’t already prepare a table for us and fill our cups to overflowing, I was floored again when I got home and was preparing the Scripture quote, “love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.” As I was writing, a song started playing called “Love the Lord” which was an older song that doesn’t get much air play anymore. Guess what the entire song is about? This specific verse sung over and again. Thank you Jesus!
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